The Silver Perch

Pioneer Fish Farm

"The Silver Perch Specialists"

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Silver Perch

800 gram Silver PerchSilver Perch are the sleeping giant of world aquaculture. If Silver Perch are purged and handled properly they are equal to any other white flesh fish. The fish on Pioneer Fish Farm are handled with extreme care so that they arrive at our purging facility with no stress inflicted on them. They then spend a minimum of 7 days in our crystal clear, bio-filtered, tank system. After the Silver Perch have been purged (we use 10ppth salt water) they are then ready for Market. At all stages of growing, harvesting and purging we are able to control the circumstances and enviroment that our fish live in. This lets us guarantee the product that reaches our markets is of the highest quality available.

The Silver Perch has some fantastic health and nutrition aspects about its flesh. In recent studies conducted by organisations including the CSIRO have found that Silver Perch have very high levels of OMEGA-3 fatty acids, placing them in the top 5 fish species in Australia. This means not only does this fish taste great, it is also very good for your health.

The following is an excerpt from WA Fisheries on the Silver Perch.

Scientific Name
Bidyanus bidyanus

Other Common Names
Grunter, Murray perch, black bream, silver bream, bidyan

Commonly to 410 mm; to 600 mm, 8 kg

Conservation Status

Tank No.1Habitat
Schools in large numbers sometimes seen near the surface. In summer often congregates below rapids and weirs. Prefers warmer sluggish waters with debris cover.

Once very common throughout the warmer waters of the Murray-Darling, silver perch river numbers have dropped alarmingly in recent years. No re-stocking program has yet been mooted for the river populations and this has been blamed on lack of demand from the "client group", ie anglers. This is hardly surprising, since the majority of silver perch anglers fish impoundments, where they are plentiful.

Bred extensively in the commercial sector and a popular warm water aquaculture and farm dam species, silver perch are stocked heavily in impoundments, especially in New South Wales and Queensland where it has gained a popular reputation for "disappearing" after a few years. However, this is believed to be due primarily to the change of diet experienced by larger silver perch. Despite their reputation, silvers are caught in large numbers by bank anglers using bait, in many of these impoundments.

Long spawning migration upstream in spring to areas behind peaks of floods. Spawning takes place close to sunrise in spawning schools of 50 to 70 individuals in flooded backwaters of low gradient streams. Little or no spawning in years with no floods, eg drought years.

Shrimps, Yabbies and aquatic insects, believed to change to a mainly vegetarian diet in larger fish.

An excellent fighting fish, silver perch are a popular target for many anglers. Because of their small mouth, smaller baits and lures a best. The best bait by far is freshwater shrimp, followed by scrubworms.

Anecdotally, one effective method when boat fishing for silvers in rivers is to find a tree fallen in the river with most of its smaller branches and twigs intact and to drive the boat into it a few times to shake up the shrimp. This reputedly stirs up the silvers something ferocious for about 15-20 mins during which time a shrimp on the hook is a good bet for a silver.

Different size and bag limits apply in the various States.

On the Table
Smaller fish (less than about 1.5 Kg) are good eating. Larger fish are better if skinned and can have a "weedy" taste.

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